Infinity Hospice Care volunteers are joining forces with DreamCatchers volunteers to reach out and support more of our isolated patients. Many of our patients live in environments like assisted living facilities and group homes. Some patients even live at home alone, and are cut off from family, friends and all the normal group activities they are used to. As a result, many are feeling forgotten, isolated and lonely.
You know what could make a big difference in the quality of their lives? A phone call, video or a card from a “pen pal”, that is where our volunteers come in. Becky Collins, one of our volunteer team leaders is contacting our patients regularly to find those who’d like a “pen pal”. Once a patient has been identified as wanting a
“pen pal”, assignments are given to our amazing team of volunteers and the magic begins.
Our volunteers are committed to supporting and encouraging our hospice patients. Being highly trained in the philosophy of hospice care and in communicating with a person at the end of life, they are skilled and ready to Make a Difference in the Lives of Others.
If you’d like to help a hospice patient by making a friendly phone call, writing cards or video chatting, please contact us.
Stay tuned for the inspiring stories we’ll be sharing with you moving forward. And to all of our volunteers and mask makers, “Thank You” from the bottom of our hearts. You are making a difference in the world and we’re very proud to have you working alongside us in such a time of great need.
#infinityhospicecare #covidkindness #nhcpo #hospicevolunteers #DreamCatchers